The vast police say in order to identify the criminals! Yes, but this is not the original reason.
Yes fingerprint Stmizak of billions of human beings so that no two people have the same fingerprints!Even twins - although they have DNA identical - believe that the fingerprints determined by your genes and environment, such as food and pregnancy rapid growth of your fingers, and put you in your mother's womb.
If you bring a magnifying glass and accurate in your fingerprints will find it consists of small tops and low-lying areas, including, I that the like mountains and valleys.
It is known that this feature increases the coefficient of friction making the better your hand stuck objects and tools, even if wet. New research suggests a new function for fingerprints and also perhaps the most important, namely, increasing the efficiency of your sense of touch, how?
Fingertips amazingly sensitive to the touch and to the presence of a large number of specialized nerves in the skin that gives you this feature - In yourselves, do you not, you see, is it possible that a person loses his mark?
Yes, but getting rare, it is possible that you get with burns, for example, or some chronic diseases such as eczema or psoriasis, or hardening of the skin, it is impossible to re-fingerprinting after burns dermatology The fingerprint also subject to return again after the treatment of the disease.
Is it possible that a person is born without fingerprints? Yes! There is a hereditary disease that is very rare skin Dyskeratosis Congenital only 200 cases in the world have been recorded, where a child is born without fingerprints. The next time you see where your fingers remember the many blessings that God has blessed you
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