Twelve-year old Indian man has a tail that is resulting medical disorder, but his countrymen believe that the deity that he is the reincarnation of the Hindu monkey god Hanuman boy ArSide Ali Khan (12) of India for his countrymen believe in a deity because he has lower back lump-like tail .

A substantial number of individuals go to his "sanctuary" that house where the kid exists with his grandparents to his love. They accept that the kid really Balaji, the rebirth of the Hindu monkey god Hanuman. As an exchange for the gift of the divine beings, they frequently leave the kid mo

However, on the other hand, doctors say that it is not about any kind of deity, but the boy has a congenital disorder. His ribs are not properly formed, and the tail is actually a deformity. Also, the boy with spinal disorders, has underdeveloped lower extremities. Doctors warn that if the boy does not remove the tail of his health condition may further deteriorate.
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